Generative Art January - Increasing Randomness
This plot was my first ever attempt at generative art, inspired by the #Genuary2021 community on twitter. The prompt on this day was: Increase the randomness along the Y-axis.
Basically, this code uses point coordinates spread evenly on a canvas, then expanded into 4 corners that will be the anchor points for geom_bspline_closed
functions, which create the “circles” around each group of points. All groups of anchor points have some degree of randomness incorporated, but this randomness grows as a function of increased position on the Y axis.
Reproducible code here:
n <- 20 # set number of circles
cols <- 14 # set number of columns
plot <-
# make base grid
basey= (1:n)) %>%
# generate randomness
x = lapply(basey/2, function(x)
{y = rnorm(4, basey, basey)
x*c(-1, 1, 1, -1) + y}),
y = lapply(basey/2, function(x)
{y = rnorm(4, basey, basey)
x*c(1, 1, -1, -1) + y})
) %>%
unnest(cols = c(x,y)) %>%
# add randomness to base grid and expand
mutate(newy = y + basey*10.5,
newx = x + basex*3.8) %>%
# plot
ggplot(aes(x=newx,y=newy,color=(newy),group=group,fill=(newy))) +
geom_bspline_closed(show.legend = F,alpha=.7,size=.8,fill=NA) +
coord_equal(expand = T)+
# flip plot
theme(panel.background = element_rect(color="grey20",fill="snow",size=.5),
plot.background = element_rect(color="black",size=.3),
plot.margin = margin(.55,.55,.55,.55,"cm"))
ggsave(plot, filename = here::here("R Projects","genuary19_3.55.png"),dpi=300)